Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good Gracious

Life passes by much more quickly when there are things to do. I don't think I was off my feet for more than an hour today.

But before I start getting too caught up in "Welcome Week" or whatever they like to call it here, some pictures of the last two weeks! In no particular order of course...

I'm not at all a fan of airplane food. This concoction was supposedly pork.

My first meal in Taiwan: french toast, eggs, ham, hot dog, corn soup, and salad
Cost: 79 NT

In the Han Lai hotel lobby (with their always fresh flowers)

My youngest cousin loved to play with my sunglasses, mirror, brush, and nearly gave her dad a heart attack with her make believe

One of my favorite meals in the world

My mom's good friend gave the family a crab as big as two of my heads; needless to say, my mom's family was drooling 

Estimated cost of the crab was said to be 5,200 NT

My favorite breakfast in Kaohsiung, Taiwan! 

There's a "French" restaurant that my mom and I like to go to. About 13 dollars gets you a six-course meal. This was the dessert for the day: honeydew chilled soup with coconut jelly, red beans, and fresh mango sorbet

A sandwich that used to be a favorite of Kevin and mine

My uncle is the sweetest thing alive. He always manages to surprise me with my favorite foods without even asking me. And he's ridiculously humble about it too. This is chicken nuggets, sweet potato, and fish cake fried with onions and basil

I looooove you Sushi Express

View from Da Li Star Palace (a department store near my uncle's house)

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