Thursday, February 3, 2011

Taoyuan and Restrooms

As I wait to get on my second flight, I can already tell that I'm in an Asian country. English cannot be heard at all. There's an interesting smell in the air...the kind that would make Becky open a window. And after going into the restroom, I can already foresee all the troubles I'll have with the ridiculous squatting toilets. It's definitely one of my least favorite parts about being Taiwan.

So far, I can't imagine being here for five months. It really just seems like any other trip I've taken in the last, oh, 15 years. You leave. You come back. No homesickness. No sadness. I'm supposedly going to miss home while I'm here, but dread being home once I get back. And to that, I always say: "You can't always get what you waaaaannnttt."

I'm getting very excited to see everyone. And hopefully I'll be able to eat something small before I finally get a chance to sleep.

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